Old Holland Quick Drying Oil Painting Medium


Old Holland professional Quick Drying Oil Painting Medium is a common oil-based thinner for every-day painting works. This medium is a mixture of refined linseed oil, natural turpentine oil and white spirit.

100 ml

Made in Netherlands

SKU: 8715046111086 Category: Tags: , Brand:

Old Holland professional Quick Drying Oil Paint Medium is a common oil-based thinner for every-day painting works. This medium is a mixture of refined linseed oil, natural turpentine oil and white spirit. Linseed oil crates smooth application, turpentine increases spreading and white spirit makes paints dry faster. Contains no resin or dryers.

What is Old Holland brand?

In 1664, various Old Dutch master painters established Old Holland. Now, centuries later, they are still using old masters’  recipes and formulas to make Old Holland oil paints. Of course, during more than 3 centuries technologies changed and developed, so modern Old Holland paints implement the latest technology into paint-making process. 

Artists and professional restorers in more than 50 countries use Old Holland paint and mediumsBecause they know it: Old Holland gives you the result you have in mind. 

Old Holland professional mediums and varnishes are not that easy to find in Canada, but we brought these master’s grade mediums to you for your convenience. You can buy online or at shop.

What does this oil paint medium provide?

  1. This medium not only thins your paints, but also increases flow
  2. Due to turpentine oil and white spirit, this medium reduces gloss
  3. White spirit, a component of this medium, reduces drying time
  4. While you’re painting with this medium, brushstrokes remain noticeable.

100 ml glass bottle

Made in the Netherlands