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Grey Matters Brushes are specifically designed to meet the needs of artists who work both outdoors (plein air) and in the studio. These brushes are non-reflective and anti-glare, ensuring that you can paint without any distracting reflections. Additionally, they are designed to minimize color distortion, allowing you to accurately represent the colors in your artwork.

One of the key features of Grey Matters Brushes is their ability to create a neutral grey value space between your eye and your artwork. This helps you to accurately judge the values and tones in your painting, resulting in more realistic and balanced artwork.

Suitable for all types of water media.

With multiple filament types, it is easy to achieve the highest:

  • Loading ability
  • Snap
  • Point or chisel
  • Even release of color

Additional information

Brush size

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8


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