Rose Kamma Morrison is a Canadian BC-based artist with an interesting artists’ path and a very strong personality. Elena, RUSART’s owner, “met” Rose online in 2020, right after COVID-19 pandemic started. Elena made her first samples of paints and Rose responded to volunteer call to test her paints. Since then Rose inspires Elena with her strong personality and uneasy artist’s path.
“My horizon is broader than my tunnel vision.” – Rose Kamma Morrison
Rose was diagnosed at 16 with Usher’s Syndrome (deaf/blind) has taught her to look, feel and create. She has an interest in all things outdoors.
Rose is happiest when enjoying the experience of running, hiking, rock climbing, swimming, skiing, kayaking and traveling. Living on the West Coast of Canada, the mountains, byways, forest, ocean and lakes have become her playground. When away from these outdoor pursuits, Rose loses herself in the world of her arts, using watercolour, pencil, ink, mix media and photography.
During her school years, Rose took advantage of all art classes becoming familiar with different mediums and later taking art courses at a local College.
She refused to allow Usher’s Syndrome to define her; she would rather express beauty in her art, this is how she views her world.
Before retiring, Rose was an Interior Decorator/Paint Consultant. Her greatest achievement is raising her beautiful daughter, Emily. She is with a wonderful man, Chris Morrison, who is the pillar of her strength and supports her in all things she’s doing. He taught her all things are possible. “My love and friend”. – Rose says.
Rose is always thankful to her mother who refused to believe that she should be in an institution. It is because of her Rose flourished. And because of her dad, Rose has the passion for the outdoors, sports and sense of adventure. All these people are the reason for who Rose is today.
With continuing loss of vision it has taught her a lot about grief. Grieving can be interpreted in artistic form, however abstract or surreal loss may feel, it is unique to all and all to experience.
You can find Rose’s works on Facebook: or on Instagram: @rosetkmo