Featured Artist - Judith Brown

Meet Judith A. Brown – a watercolour artist from Alberta

Judith A. Brown is a watercolour artist from Spirit River, Alberta and has been artistically inclined since childhood.  She began painting in the early 80s and soon chose watercolour as her main medium.  She has taken courses from:

  • Jack Reid
  • Jake Mohl
  • Romain Teisenhausen
  • Bob Guest
  • Jim Adrain and
  • Dean Reeves

Also, she was studying from instructional books, videos and DVDs.  Judy has shown in and spearheaded art shows all over the Peace Country for many years, often as a member of the Peace Watercolour Society,  the Three Generation Watercolour Artists, or in gallery members’ shows. Her works are in public and private collections in Canada, the U.S., Europe and Australia.

Featured Artist - Judith BrownJudith A. Brown as an artist and art instructor

Judy was born in Regina, Saskatchewan, but has lived in five of the provinces. After receiving a Master’s degree in biochemistry from York University, Judy focused a lifelong interest in physical and learning disabilities. She was working with special needs children at the public school in Spirit River, where she moved with her husband, Harvey, in 1977.

Today, Judy greatly enjoys retirement from her official career. While she’s busy with various community and provincial boards and committees, she always packs a good supply of brushes and paint when there is a chance for a camping trip or an outdoor painting excursion.

In her art classes, Judy’s approachable style and knowledge of learning differences combine with her artistic know how to make art accessible and successful for everyone.  Her students range in age from 2 to 100. Judith volunteers at schools, lodges and long term care units, proving that it’s never too late to pick up a paint brush. She finds art to be an invaluable tool in her many community endeavours, always stressing sound techniques along with creativity and discovery.

“My paintings reflect the peacefulness, beauty and serenity of our landscape. Painting is a way of trying to capture and express these images and feelings on paper.” 

Judy is awed by the incredible beauty, colour and atmosphere of the world around us. Her favourite subjects to paint are water and snow. She is fascinated by the delicate translucence of prairie skies and finds never ending subject matter in her Peace Country surroundings in northern Alberta.

Featured Artist - Judith BrownLearn more about Judy

You can see more of Judy’s work by visiting Peace Watercolour Society  or on facebook and clicking on Members and Judith A Brown.  

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  1. Robert Bloomfield April 21, 2022

    Her work is beautiful! I’d love to know a little more about the products she’s using to obtain such incredible results!

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Judy Brown April 22, 2022

    Hello and thank you for your kind words. I use a variety of paints. The first painting Drifts and Trees was painted entirely with Rosa Gallery Paints from Rusart Art Supplies. My daughter and son-in-law gave me 16 tubes for my birthday and I was impressed by them. The colours are strong and wet quickly and easily. I put tube paints in a palette and let them dry.
    I also use Daniel Smith and Mijello Golden as well as Windsor Newton, Rowney and a few Graham. I have several sets of White Night that I also like. I am obviously a collector of paints, brushes— art supplies of all kinds. The other two paintings were done with Daniel Smith and Mijello Golden paints. All three are on Arches 140 lb paper. I like the 140 lb paper because to me the colours are sharper and brighter than on 300 lb paper.
    I have not yet tried the Rusart Professional Watercolour paper but it is on my list.

  3. Karen O’Toole October 26, 2022

    Hello Judith
    FYI- I recently purchased a lovely watercolor and would like to confirm that it is your painting.
    If yes, please provide me with any information about it.
    Thank you.

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